October 18, 2012

  • The 7 Real Truth’s About the Economy Democrats Don’t Want You to Know!

    These are the 7 real truth’s about the U.S. economy that President Obama and The Democrats don’t want you to know.

    1. Unemployment is at 7.8% or 1 out of every 6 Americans are Unemployed according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This number also does not reflect those who have stopped looking for work. That means it is actually more like 10%.

    2. According to the National Inflation Association inflation has increased like 50% in the last 4 years. Just in the past year a Tony’s Pizza went up from $1.00 to now over $2.00. A gallon of milk, and loaf of bread almost double as well.

    3. 1 out of 6 Businesses no longer exist.

    4. Gas prices went up from just under $2.00 When Obama took office to just over $4.00 this past Labor Day weekend.

    5. Our National Debt is over 16 Trillion Dollars! My personal part is over $577,000. I can never in my lifetime pay that off!

    6. Since Obama took office the number of people Welfare dependent on Food Stamps and other Social needs has almost doubled.

    7. Taxes have almost doubled for every American, as well as insurance premiums, and the cost of Healthcare.

    These are serious issues, and I believe that only Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan have the solutions. Vote Early, Vote Romney Ryan.



Comments (6)

  • HI Derek.

    I feel the national debt is so huge, it may be too late to avoid economic collapse.

    I remember when some in Congress yelled because of billion dollar deficits—not it is unimaginably high.

    It is my opinion that both parties have contributed to this mess. I am not sure what we should do, but it is clear that many services will have to be stopped or cut back, our military come home, and all of us pay more taxes. I doubt the current crop of Americans has the stomach for it.

    As Christians, we can ask the God of history to have mercy on us and send us a Refreshment.

    I admire you passion to try and wake people up with the grim facts.
    God bless you,



    I know Frank, I agree. I have been trying to wake people up and warn them for a long time. God bless you too.

  • We can spend, spend and spend, and expect things to do on forever. What if tomorrow China or places we owe too called the ticket in. We would be speaking their language in days. Bro. Doc

  • 7.8% is closer to 1 out of every 13. 10% would be one out of every 10. Your math is terrible.

  • Regarding the gas price one — I get tired of hearing about gas prices being higher under Obama. We’ve been tracking what we pay for gasoline, in Quicken, since 1997. The most we ever paid for gasoline was under George W. Bush, NOT Obama. During the month of July 2008, gasoline cost us $4.39 a gallon. The most gasoline has ever cost us under Obama is $4.15 a gallon.

    When George W. Bush took office in 2001, we were paying $1.55 a gallon. By April 2006, before the Democrats took back Congress, gasoline had hit $3.00 a gallon. When Barack Obama took office in 2009, we were paying $1.89. That means from the time Bush took office to the highest point of the price of gasoline, the difference was $2.84; for Obama that figure is only $2.26.

    Thus, blaming Obama for high gas prices is not grounded in actual numbers. Furthermore, when gas prices were high under Bush, the Democrats were saying because Bush was an oil man, he and his cronies had the prices high to make more profit. Now Republicans are saying Obama has prices high to push green energy or some other lame reason.

    Gas prices change. Presidents don’t manipulate those changes. Quit blaming the presidents.

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