Month: August 2012

  • The Beast and the Dragon

     As I have been watching the news lately it seems more and more that Biblical Prophecy is unfolding before our very eyes. Reuters reported last week that the US Federal Government bought millions of dollars worth of black riot gear for supposed political unrest during the November elections. I have also read articles reporting that they recently spent millions of dollars on hard core hollow point ammunition, and millions of dollars worth of well preserved food. Obviously our government is preparing for something big. Fema Camps around the country have been activated as well as National Guard and Military bases.  Since they dismantled Nasa, and formed the global space collaberative, a former Nasa employee leaked info that anywhere from October to December of this year 2012, another solar system will be passing through our solar system. The main planet that they are worried about passing close to earth is nicknamed Niburu meaning (near extinction level event). There have been several other Nasa Scientist who have made videos trying to debunk it, but I just have a few questions if everything is fine and they are not trying to cover something up. Why are they putting shields on the international space station? Why did they defund and dissolve NASA all together, encrypt the Hubble space telescope and make the images from it classified and unavailable to the public? Why are they stockpiling food, water, and ammunition to the point that store shelves in many places are experiencing shortages? The Nasa employee video is found on Youtube and comes up as the first or second video when you type in Niburu. He said that when the debree cloud from the planet gets close to us we will experience Astroids, Meteorites, and fiery hailstones falling to earth like we have never experienced. He said that when the polls of that planet and our planet lock on to each other we will experience a poll shift that will make the sun go down in Jerusalem at noontime, we will have a great earthquake like we have never seen before, and the winds, and oceans will be moved out of their normal patterns and places just like it talks about in Revelation. 


      I believe that the Anti-Christ will rise up out of the European Common Markets talked about in Daniel 7 as the Beast having Seven Heads and Ten Horns. Obama is the head of the United Nations Security Council, as well as President of the United States so it may very well be him, Sarkozy, or someone who is alive today. They are trying to pass anti-gun laws all over the world, create a one world currency, and one world religion. I believe that the only way for them to do this, to enforce martial law, or to force a New World Order is with the help of China and Asian Countries such as North and South Korea. Revelation chapter 13 says that the Dragon will give power to the Beast. Later on it also talks about the “Kings of the East” and that all nations will turn on Israel and that the stage will be set for the war of armageddon and the return of Jesus Christ.

     Things are unfolding today as never before, make sure that you know Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and savior, and that you read his word and apply it to your life. The Bible is real, God is real, and he is coming back. Will you be ready?