Month: August 2009

  • How to save America

     The average American probably doesn’t even know that there is a problem in America. They go to work everyday, try to put back as much money as they possibly can, pay their taxes and live their life the best that they know how. They love and enjoy the freedom that so many men and women died for years ago, not thinking that tomorrow it could all be gone. They take it all for granted.

     Well, what is happening in our Government today is alarming. Our freedom is slowly being taken away bit by bit. Since the reign of Bush and Cheny the creation of Homeland security, the creation of the National Security Act, our Constitution and Bill of rights have basically been thrown out the window. We no longer abide by the Geneva Convention which set the rules and guidelines for the treatment of POW’s (Prisoners of War). Now Posse Comitatus or the seperation of Military and Civil matters has been done away with. Meaning that the government can use the Military to enforce law. The  Federal Information Security and Management Act (FISMA), has basically given the government the power to spy on innocent civilians like you and me and Obama is working on furthering the invasion of your privacy in this matter. Now with the Healthcare Bill HCR2300 (Summary) now in the Senate they want to further control, yet your health care. Telling you what doctor you can go to, what medicine you can take, what tests you can get and for whatever reason they want they can deny you. Yes, there will be a Death Panel, and ultimately a Health Nazi or Dictator appointed by the President.

     I am afraid that someone thinks that our Government is no longer a Democracy but a Dictatorship. Those someone’s are Private Bankers. The Rothchild’s, The Rockefellers, The Carniegies and some other powerful political people such as the Bush’s, The Queen of England, and many others. There are also secret groups and societies that are scheeming behind the scenes. Such as the Illuminati, Masons, Bilderberg group, and Skull and Bones.  Their goal is a New World Order or in other words World domination over you and me for their own political gain. They want to have control over the Vehicle manufacturers so that they can track you with technology like onstar. They can also disable your vehicle at any given time. They want control over your bank accounts and your finances to know what you are spending your money on and what you are doing. They want to control your Healthcare because they want to reduce the World’s population (see Ten Commandments of the NWO).

     How can our government protect America?
     1. Abolish the Federal Reserve and the IRS.
     2. Overturn the Homeland Security Act, The Federal Information Security Act, and not pass HCR 2300.
     3. Stop taking our guns away.
     4. Stop taking our freedom of speech away.
     5. Stop taking our property from us.
     Things that you can do to help save America.
     1. Get involved. Call your Senators and Congressmen.
     2. Tell people. Blog about it. Share videos about it.
     3. Speak up and Speak out!
     4. Buy guns and learn how to use them.
     5. Pray and trust God.

  • Obama to control the internet

    GOPUSA – The Loft
    Urgent. Please read! First the banks then the auto sector, now Obama wants to control your email. Ridiculous.