Month: February 2009

  • The call to be a good steward

     What is a Steward? A steward is someone that is put in charge of something. Such as a the captain of a ship or an airplane pilot. A good steward is someone who does a good job at taking care of or doing well the task that they have been given.

     As Christians we are all called to be good stewards, not in just one area of our lives but in everything that we do. There are four areas that I can think of specifically that God wants us to be a good steward in. They are:

     1. Our Finances.

    - God always wants us to give Tithes and Offerings. This is the first step in releasing God’s miracle working power in our lives. The purpose is to help the orphan, the widow, and the homeless and helpless and also to support taking the gospel to the ends of the earth. If your church does not help people in need pray about giving your tithes and offerings to those that need it directly. God will open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that you will not have room enough to receive. Malachi 3:8-10 Also God helps those who help the poor.

    - Get out of debt as fast as you can. The Bible says that the borrower is the slave to the lender. Proverbs 22:7 Pay off your highest interest rate loans first and go down the line. Once you get out, stay out and pay cash for everything. If you don’t have the money for it, don’t get it. Yes, it is possible to pay cash for a car, or a house. God says that he can give us vineyards we didn’t plant and fields we didn’t sow, he can make us the head and not the tail, the lender and not the borrower.

     2. Our Bodies.

    - Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, a vessel create by God for his purpose. If we destroy our temple God will destroy us. I Corinthians 3:16-17

    - We need to exercise.

    - We need to eat a Kosher Bible based diet like Jewish people eat. Pork and most Seafood with the exception of some fish are unclean and full of toxins that destroy your body’s immune system. The Bible tells us what is clean and unclean to eat.

    - We need to avoid eating foods that cause Free Radicals  Such as Non-Organic Fruits and Vegetables choked full of fertilizers and pesticides, and chemicals that cause cancer. Processed foods, Bleached and Enriched Foods, and Fried Foods with Poly and Mono Unsaturated Fats. Avoiding Cigarette smoke and second hand smoke also helps reduce the number of free radicals in our body. 

    -We need to eat good stuff that God intended us to eat. Foods like Organic fresh fruits and vegetables. Meats that have not been injected with hormones, or steroids and we need to bake or grill them.  

    3. Our time.

    -The Bible says that we are going to give an account for everything that we do in this life good or bad. We need to not waste our time on stupid stuff that is going to pass away, but reap and sow and toil in Kingdom things that have everlasting and eternal rewards. Like Evangelism. The Bible says that he who wins souls is wise. Like Prayer and Fasting. These two often go together because they are important weapons in fighting the devil and hearing from God. Also we need to stay in the Word of God. The Bible says that we should study to show ourselves approved. We need to wake up every morning and say “God, what do you want me to do today?” and allow the Holy Spirit to order our footsteps. If we can learn to manage our time better and listen to God we will see miracles happen.

    4. The Environment Genesis 1:28

    -  God wants us to be good stewards of the earth. He gave us dominion over the earth and all of his creation and we will give an account for this also. We need to stop wasting, and start recycling. We need to start thinking about how we can help ensure a future for our children and their children and all of Gods creation.

    - We need to get active in our communities. To get involved in community clean ups, volunteer to go out and clean up the park some saturday or fight to help save some local endangered species.


     Really we just need to live a life given to the Holy Spirit that is directed by God. We need to be a good steward in all that we do, and all that we are given. To whom much is given much will be required. We will stand before God on judgement day (myself included) and give an account for everything that we did and didn’t do. I want to be the one the he says ” Well done my good and faithful servant” to. How about you? 

  • Many Yet One

     I have come to realize that I have looked down on some of my fellow brothers and sisters and even certain denominations because they were not “Spirit Filled” or “Charasmatic” when in all actuality we are all (Those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior) a part of the Body of Christ. God does not want us to be divided but to come together in unity. There are many members, but one Lord. We all are called and each have our own unique giftings and callings but he wants us to work together in love towards one another to reach the lost and fulfill our purpose. So whether you are Pentecostal, Methodist, Baptist, or whatever your denomination or background God loves you he has a plan for you and he wants us to all to work together for his purpose and his kingdom and stop putting our church, our pastor, or even ourselves up on a pedestool causing division. Lets all look at Jesus Christ and stop looking at each other.